MCDM'08 - paper no. 8
Models of criteria systems of building design contract
Sigitas Mitkus, Eva Trink?nien?
A number of multicriteria decisions must be made during construction investment processes. A number of support systems for multicriteria tasks of construction investment processes are available. Some of them are reviewed in this article. The effectiveness of the construction investment process is greatly influenced by the appropriate formulation of a building design contract (BDC). In order to formulate an efficient BDC, multicriteria techniques for evaluation and comparison of BDCs must be created. Beside technical, organizational and economic aspects of construction, legal aspects of a BDC must be also analysed in order to prepare such techniques. Therefore, legal decision making systems are also reviewed in the article. A conclusion can be made from the review that legal decision making systems for BDSs are not available currently. One of the main tasks in the creation of multicriteria support systems is the formation of a criteria system. Three models of criteria systems of BDSs are analyzed in the article, and the best model for creation of multicriteria evaluation technique is determined. On the basis of this model, the importance of criteria should be determined and a multicriteria decision support system should be created in further research stages.
Decision support systems, building design contracts, multiple criteria evaluation
Reference index:
Sigitas Mitkus, Eva Trink?nien?, (2009), Models of criteria systems of building design contract, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (4), pp. 151-168