Call for papers

MCDM is inviting papers for Special Issue Vol. 19 (2024) - on line open access:

Milestones in MCDM: Reflections on 50 Years of Advancements.

The Guest Editor is prof. Hatem Masri,

President of the Applied Science University, Bahrain

This special issue presents an extensive compilation of highly cited techniques that have played a pivotal role in shaping the field of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) over the past five decades. In this exclusive edition, we will invite the most influential authors in MCDM to contribute papers that facilitate readers' understanding and comprehension of the concepts presented in each influential work. These expert-written papers will offer a deep dive into the details of each contribution, allowing readers to appreciate their significance within the broader framework of MCDM. Whether you are an experienced researcher, a graduate student, or a practitioner eager to explore the rich history and advancements in MCDM, this special issue provides a valuable resource. By organizing the most cited models into a structured and accessible format, we aim to enhance readers' engagement and comprehension. Furthermore, this compilation is expected to significantly increase the journal's citation impact. We eagerly await your insights and look forward to our collaboration.

We invite original research papers on topics related to the methodology of MCDM and to its theoretical foundations. Real-world applications, case studies and software applications that support MCDM problems are also welcome.

The deadline is August 15, 2024.

Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via e-mail to:

Detailed editorial and content requirements can be found on WWW page:

Submissions for Vol. 19 (2024) are free of charge.

Please use the following pdf file of MCDM call for papers and distribute it to the research colleages you know may be interested in publishing their results on MCDM developements in MCDMj.