For Authors


Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via e-mail: mcdm(at) It is recommended to provide contact information in content of the submitting email including:

  • Title of the article,
  • Names and primary affiliations of the author(s),
  • Authors' telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID numbers,
  • Full contact details for the corresponding author including email, mailing address and telephone numbers,
  • An abstract of no more than 100 words,
  • About 5 key words indicating content of the article,
  • A suggestion for two reviewers with full contact data.

The manuscript (including tables, figures and appentices) should be sent as attachments in DOC or DOCX format. It should not exceed 40 000 characters. Template is available here

All the details about editorial and content requirements are available in the Author's Guidelines.

Authors will be asked to sign an agreement for publishing scientific paper in MCDM journal (agreement template is available here: in English, in Polish).

All submissions submitted elsewhere or being during the review process as well as published or accepted for publication elsewhere, cannot be submitted to MCDM for consideration.

Papers' assessement

The manuscripts submitted are subjects to the following evaluation procedure:

  1. The Editorial Board evaluates whether the manuscipt meets the thematic and formal requirements of MCDM papers.
  2. Two independent and anonymous reviewers prepare their recommendations according to the following roules:
    • authors and reviewers do not know each other (double-blind review process),
    • the review is written based on the MCDM reviewer report template: MCDM_referee_report.doc,
    • the following aspects of manuscript are evaluated: originality of the paper, theoretical part of the paper, methodological rigor of the paper, relevance of empirical results, overall contribution to knowledge, quality of writing, tables, figures,
    • the following recommendation about evaluated article may be given: accept; accept with minor revisions; accept with major revisions, and reject,
    • the review is considered to be positive if the manuscript was not recommended to be rejected.
  3. The manuscript is accepted for publication if both recommendations are positive.
  4. If required, the manuscipt may be send to third reviewer, to confirm or reject major critic or concerns stated in revious sent by two standard reviewers.
  5. The Editorial Board decides on including the manuscipt in the forthcoming volume of MCDM journal.
Ghostwriting and ghostauthorship issues

All the co-authors (or, in the name of all co-authors, the corresponding author himself) should honesty disclose their individual contribution to the paper submitted. Each author that contributed to the paper needs to be stated in the co-authors list with the corresponding information about their affiliation. Additionally the detailed descripton of their contribution (i.e. the concepts, ideas, principles, methods, protocols, etc.) has to be provided. Consequently, no author that did not contribute to the paper may be stated as the co-author.
Moreover the authors are required to provide the information about the sources of funding (financial disclosure).