MCDM'12 - paper no. 12


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Jaroslav Ramík, Jana Hanclova


Regional competitiveness is the source of national competitiveness. This paper presents multi-criteria decision making methods for evaluation of the regional competitiveness and regional differences and disparities. Specific indicators reflect the economic productivity of the region in form of factors of production inside of the region. The technology for the evaluation of regional competitiveness is based on the application of two methods of multi-criteria decision making. The first one is the method of Ivanovic deviation, the second one is the well known DEA. The results of the applications of the methods are compared on the basis of the competitiveness of the NUTS2 regions (V4 - Visegrad Four countries) in the EU within the period of 7 years (2000-2006). In particular, the disparities between the Czech and Polish NUTS2 regions are discussed.


Regional competitiveness, regional disparities, multi-criteria methods, Ivanovic deviation, DEA.

Reference index:

Jaroslav Ramík, Jana Hanclova, (2012), MULTICRITERIA METHODS FOR EVALUATING COMPETITIVENESS OF REGIONS IN V4 COUNTRIES , Multiple Criteria Decision Making (7), pp. 169-178

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Scopus citations in 6 paper(s):
  1. Guliak, R. (2017). New resonance approach to competitiveness interventions in lagging regions: The case of ukraine before the armed conflict. Review of Economic Perspectives, 17(1), 25-56. doi:10.1515/revecp-2017-0002
  2. Guliak, R. (2017). Two-factor outranking approach to MCDM methods for the lagging regions determination. Paper presented at the SMSIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Strategic Management and its Support by Information Systems 2017, 219-230
  3. Guliak, R., & Beketov, O. M. (2017). Analysis of the stability of clustering structures based on the MCDM methods. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2017 - Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic Development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth, , 2017-January 3629-3637
  4. Majerova, I., & Nevima, J. (2018). Influence of national competitiveness indicators on the export performance of the visegrad group plus countries. Danube, 9(1), 19-36. doi:10.2478/danb-2018-0002
  5. Nevima, J., & Kiszová, Z. (2013). Multiplicative and additive approach in analytic hierarchy process - case study of competitiveness evaluation of czech and slovak regions. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 7(5), 490-499
  6. Svobodová, J., Dömeová, L., & Jindrová, A. (2018). Economic differences of border regions in the czech republic. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 66(2), 571-582. doi:10.11118/actaun201866020571