MCDM'12 - paper no. 13
Tomas Subrt, Helena Broz
This text is focussed on the quantitative evaluation of project SMART goals using the ANP method. This approach should be used in the project initiation phase. The very first step in all projects: business, home, or education, is to define goals and objectives. It is important to develop several goals that will enable us to be successful. Goals should be SMART - S - specific, significant, stretching, M - measurable, meaningful, motivational, manageable, A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented, R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented, resourced, T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable. In our paper we make complex decisions about satisfying project SMART goals based on the ANP method using Super Decisions Software. As criteria we used a general SMART (SMARTER) model, as sub-criteria we use S, M, A, R, T sub-goals and as alternatives different project schedules are applied. We experiment with their mutual dependencies and we try to propose the best methodology for evaluating projects using Analytic Network Process.
Project management, project proposal, evaluation of project goals achievement, Analytic Network Process, Super Decisions Software.
Reference index:
Tomas Subrt, Helena Broz, (2012), MULTIPLE CRITERIA EVALUATION OF PROJECT GOALS, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (7), pp. 179-188
Full text:
Scopus citations in 2 paper(s):
- Brown, G., Leonard, C., & Arthur-Kelly, M. (2016). Writing SMARTER goals for professional learning and improving classroom practices. Reflective Practice, 17(5), 621-635. doi:10.1080/14623943.2016.1187120
- Prabowo, H. Y., Cooper, K., Sriyana, J., & Syamsudin, M. (2017). De-normalizing corruption in the indonesian public sector through behavioral re-engineering. Journal of Financial Crime, 24(4), 552-573. doi:10.1108/JFC-10-2015-0057