MCDM'08 - paper no. 13
The CLARA method - a new approach to expert verbal classification
Leonas Ustinovichius, Galina Ševčenko
In project development it is hardly possible to get exhaustive and accurate information. As a result, the situations occur, the consequences of which can be very damaging to the project. Inaccurate evaluation of the strategy related to capital investment and project implementation is one of the reasons why such estimates are not required in practice. Instead, a classification approach may be used for this purpose. Classification is a very important aspect of decision making. In the present paper, a novel algorithm CLARA is offered for ordering multicriteria alternatives. It differs from the existing similar methods in the wider range of application allowing it to be used with various scales of criteria evaluation, a random number of the solution classes, incomplete order on the criteria scales as well as in the considerably rarefied space of the alternatives. The suggested algorithm is more effective in terms of the time spent by an expert. A comparative calculation of the efficiency of the algorithms used in classifying the objects in the order of their significance has shown that CLARA is much more effective than CLANSH and other algorithms. At the same time, its general effectiveness was found to be lower than that of the algorithms CYCLE which has a narrower scope of application.
Expert system, decision-making, verbal analysis methods; methods of solving multicriteria classification problems
Reference index:
Leonas Ustinovichius, Galina Ševčenko, (2009), The CLARA method - a new approach to expert verbal classification, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (4), pp. 227-242