MCDM'08 - paper no. 14
Dynamic, fuzzy and AHP procedures in a multi-criteria decision process: an application to ecosystem management
Lidija Zadnik Stirn
In this paper a multi-criteria, fuzzy and long term management problem in the frame of an ecosystem is introduced. As an aid to solve this problem, a hierarchical, discrete, dynamic and multi-criteria decision support model (DSM) is generated. In the DSM the process is defined in terms of time periods, states, decisions and weighted values of objective functions. For subjective and uncertain variables fuzzy methods are used. Further, SWOT analysis, analytic hierarchy process and analytic network process are employed to evaluate the conflicting objective functions by several decision makers. In the subsequent chapters, the problem is considered as a discrete, multi-objective, and dynamic problem which is presented in a form of a network. Finally, the optimal policy is determined by Bellman's iteration method for the solution of sequential decision processes. To illustrate the problem and the DSM developed some computational experiences are presented.
Ecosystem management, multiple criteria problem, decision support model, discrete dynamic programming, fuzzy parameters, AHP, ANP, cumulative utility
Reference index:
Lidija Zadnik Stirn, (2009), Dynamic, fuzzy and AHP procedures in a multi-criteria decision process: an application to ecosystem management, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (4), pp. 243-264