MCDM'06 - paper no. 6
On multicriteria problems with modification of attributes
Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski
In this paper we propose a mathematical model for multicriteria decision problems with alternatives which may change their properties in a direct response to external actions. We assume that the change of attributes may be controlled by the decision-maker taking into account that an improvement of the criteria values bears certain cost. Thus we get a bi-level multicriteria optimization problem: an optimal allocation of resources at the lower level, and finding the related nondominated outputs surpassing a reference point q at the higher level. A concrete problem of this type, motivated by technological, ecological and socio-economical applications, will be discussed in more detail, namely optimizing the structure of a finite population X by assuring that after a fixed time T a maximal number of its elements is characterized by nondominated values of criteria. Assuming that X consists of N elements, the solution to this problem is equivalent to solving in parallel N discrete dynamic programming problems sharing the same resources.
Multicriteria optimisation, decision theory, dynamic programming, discrete-event systems, discrete-time control systems
Reference index:
Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski, (2007), On multicriteria problems with modification of attributes, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (2), pp. 117-136
Full text:
Scopus citations in 2 paper(s):
- Skulimowski, A. M., & Pukocz, P. (2012). On-Line Technological Roadmapping as a Tool to Implement Foresight Results in IT Enterprises. W Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing (strony 95-111). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25355-3_8
- Skulimowski, A. M., & Pukocz, P. (2012, 11). Enhancing Creativity of Strategic Decision Processes by Technological Roadmapping and Foresight. 2012 Seventh International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems. IEEE. doi:10.1109/kicss.2012.42