MCDM'05 - paper no. 18


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Application of multicriteria analysis to restoration of historical portable organ

Małgorzata Trzaskalik-Wyrwa, Maciej Nowak, Tadeusz Trzaskalik


In the 17th - and 18th -century Poland the portable organ, called the positive organ, was a very popular instrument. Unfortunately, only 18 copies of this once so common instrument are nowadays extant in Poland. One of the extant instruments from this group, found only recently, comes from Sokoły near Łapy in the Podlesie region. The purpose of the paper Application of Multicriteria Analysis to Restoration of Historical Portable Organ (M. Trzaskalik-Wyrwa, M. Nowak, T. Trzaskalik) is the joint application of the analysis evaluating an historic organ and the Electre I method in the selection of the guidelines for conservation efforts in the case of the recently discovered organ.

Reference index:

Małgorzata Trzaskalik-Wyrwa, Maciej Nowak, Tadeusz Trzaskalik, (2006), Application of multicriteria analysis to restoration of historical portable organ, Multiple Criteria Decision Making (1), pp. 279-298

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Scopus citations in 1 paper(s):
  1. Lo, M. -., Trzaskalik, T., Nowak, M., Hwu, T. -., Tzeng, G. -., & Michnik, J. (2012). Hybrid MCDM model for the value evaluation of the restoration of historical objects doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29920-9_3